
Program Description: Abaqus FEA (formerly ABAQUS) is finite element analysis and computer-aided engineering software

Version: 6.12-3
Platform: x86_64
Category: Applications/Engineering
URL: www.simulia.com
Provides: abaqus

Below is how to load the module into the software:
Module loading reference

License support for the ABAQUS suite on the eagle.man.poznan.pl cluster has been configured.

At the moment, if all abaqus tasks are properly ordered to the queuing system, the EAGLE cluster queuing system itself will take care that tasks are not waiting for free licenses.

A correct abqus task order would look like this :

for analysis tasks :

srun -L abaqus:X -p standard my_task_script.sh

Where X is the number of tokens needed calculated from the formula :

X = int(5 x N^0.422)

N = number of processes at the time of analysis

X=15 for N=5
X=20 for N=28

for CAE GUI tasks :

srun -L abaqusCAE:1 --time=24:00:00 --mem=8000mb -N1 --ntasks-per-node=2   --x11=first  --pty  bash -i -l

I kindly ask you to order tasks in the above manner, as this will prevent abqus from waiting in the running task for free licenses.

Below is a script that allows you to determine the value of X for any number of processes.

Below are the files that should be in the input directory.
File:Abaqus tokens.zip

[user@eagle licencje_tokeny]$ ./abaqus_tokens.sh 24
[bolen@eagle licencje_tokeny]$ ./abaqus_tokens.sh 50
[user@eagle licencje_tokeny]$

You should also add the following command in the run script before calling Abaqus