

Hardware Characteristics Proxima
Type PC cluster
Architecture Intel Xeon Platinum 8480+
Network interfaces InfiniBand EDR/NDR, Ethernet 10,25,100Gbit
Internal connection network Infiniband EDR/NDR
Number of GPU cards 348
Total computational power 23.7 PFLOPS
System memory size 66.8 TB
Disk memory capacity


Hardware Characteristics Altair
Type PC cluster
Architecture Intel Xeon Platinum 8268
Network interfaces InfiniBand EDR/NDR, Ethernet 10,25,100Gbit
Internal connection network Infiniband EDR/NDR
Number of CPU cores 63360
Total computational power 5.9 PFLOPS
System memory size 300 TB
Disk memory capacity

Proxima CPU Nodes

Node commercial name CPU model Number of nodes Number of processors and cores RAM amount per node Node computational power Node class tag
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Intel Xeon Platinum 8480+ 60 2x56 384 GB 7 TFLOPS intel,

Proxima GPU Nodes

Node commercial name CPU model Number of nodes Number of processors and cores RAM amount per node GPU model Number of graphics cards per node GPU node computational power Node class tag
HPE Cray XD665 AMD EPYC 9334 87 2x32 768 GB Nvidia H100-94 SXM5, 94GB HBM2e 4 268 TFLOPS

Altair CPU Nodes

Node commercial name CPU model Number of nodes Number of processors and cores RAM amount per node Node computational power Node class tag
HUAWEI CH121 V5 Intel Xeon Platinum 8268 1320 2 x 24 192/384 GB 4.4 TFLOPS intel, cascade

Eagle GPU Nodes

Node commercial name CPU model Number of nodes Number of processors and cores RAM amount per node GPU model Number of graphics cards per node GPU node computational power Node class tag
Xeon Gold Gold 5115 3 2x10 92 GB Nvidia V100 32GB 2 15.6 TFLOPS

Altair GPU Nodes

Node commercial name CPU model Number of nodes Number of processors and cores RAM amount per node GPU model Number of graphics cards per node GPU node computational power Node class tag
Intel Xeon 6242 9 2x16 384 GB Nvidia V100 32GB 8 62.4 TFLOPS
Other Information
Operating System
Type GNU Linux
Computer domain name eagle.man.poznan.pl
Batch job management system SLURM


Running calculations through the SLURM system is done within queues that differ in priority, limits, or access rights (and sometimes also in available resources)
We have the following queues:

Queue Name Job time limit Default job time limit Standard RAM amount/core Notes
standard 7 days 1 day 2 GB Default queue, can run both parallel and sequential tasks
fast 1 hour 10 minutes - high priority; maximum number of nodes 1
tesla 7 days 1 day 2 GB Queue with GPU nodes

Altair Queues

Altair Queue Name Job time limit Default job time limit Standard RAM amount/core Notes
altair 7 days 1 day 2 GB Default queue, can run both parallel and sequential tasks
altair-gpu 7 days 1 day 2 GB Queue with GPU nodes