Konfiguracja narzędzi Putty i Winscp

Currently, a gsissh update has been carried out which forces the use of ChaCha20 encryption

In order to properly log on to the eagle.man.poznan.pl machine, you must manually force the above algorithm in Putty and WinSCP programs


First, you need to upgrade your Putty software to the highest version currently available https://www.putty.org/

Then in the SSH connection settings, set the encryption algorithm ChaCha20 to the first place in the list

Chacha20 putty.JPG


Edit the declared connection eagle.man.poznan.pl

Chacha20 winscp1.JPG

Then we move on to advanced options

Chacha20 winscp2.JPG

In the SSH tab, the encryption algorithm ChaCha20 should be set to the first place on the list

Chacha20 winscp3.JPG