Podstawowe zagadnienia

Logging in to computing machines

To log on to the computing machines we must use the SSH protocol for this purpose


In Windows, download the Putty application (http://www.putty.org)


Then enter your user name and the address of the computing machine in the HostName field, e.g.



Linux users already have a program installed since the SSH protocol was used


To log in, you must enter your user name and the address of your computing machine, e.g.

ssh user@eagle.man.poznan.pl

Creating a simple input file

Files can be created directly on a computer with the help of text editors (vi, nano, mcedit) and on your local computer and then copied to the computer, e.g. using WinSCP programs. https://winscp.net

On a computing machine

After logging in, run nano program with a command:


Then edit the sample input file

#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -p standard


Next, we save the exit from the program with the combination of CTRL + X keys, approving and giving a file name, e.g. program.in

On the local system

We start WinSCP and log on to the machine with our username and password.
Then create and edit an input file in the folders of the computing machine.
The file will be saved directly on the machine.
