
Opis programu:
Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovery and genotyping of structural variation using whole-genome sequencing data. The methods used in Genome STRiP are designed to find shared variation using data from multiple individuals. Genome STRiP looks both across and within a set of sequenced genomes to detect variation. Genome STRiP requires genomes from multiple individuals in order to detect or genotype variants. Typically an absolute minimum of 20 to 30 genomes are required. Analyzing more individuals together improves accuracy. It is possible to use publicly available reference data (e.g. sequence data from the 1000 Genomes Project) as a background population to call events in single genomes, but this strategy has not been widely tried nor thoroughly evaluated, and batch effects are possible. If you are calling with deeply sequenced genomes, it will be beneficial to have a background population that is also deeply sequenced. Genome STRiP uses the GATK and the Queue workflow manager originally developed for use with GATK. Included with Genome STRiP are pre-defined pipelines that use the Queue workflow manager to run analyses.


Name:           Genome STRiP
Version:        2.00.1611
Platform:       x86_64
Category:       Applications/Engineering
Provides:       SVToolkit.jar

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