
Hardware Characteristics
type PC-cluster
Architecture Intel Xeon E5-2697
Interfejsy sieciowe Infiniband FDR
Network interconnections
Number of CPU cores 32984
Total computing power 1372,13 TFLOPS
Size of system memory 120,6 TB
Storage capacity
Name Model CPU Number of


Number of processors

and cores

The amount of RAM

in the node



Name of node Tag node class
HUAWEI CH121 V3 Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3 589 2x14 64 GB 1,1 TFLOPS h1-h1178 huawei
HUAWEI CH121 V3 Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3 530 2x14 128 GB 1,1 TFLOPS h1-h1178 huawei
HUAWEI CH121 V3 Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3 59 2x14 256 GB 1,1 TFLOPS h1-h1178 huawei
Other informations
Operating system
type GNU Linux
domain name hetman.man.poznan.pl
task management system in batch mode SLURM


Running tasks through the system slurm takes place within queues, which differ priority, limits and access rights
We have the following queue:



Job Timeout Default timeout job Standard RAM Comments
multi 7 days 1 day 2 GB Multi queue is intended for performing tasks on multiple nodes (ie. Applications using the MPI library)
standard 7 days 1 day 2 GB The queue is intended for performing tasks on one node
plgrid-long 7 days 3 days -
plgrid 3 days - -
fast 1 hour 10 minutes - High priority; The maximum number of nodes 1
interactive 1 hour 24 hours - The maximum number of nodes 1